Gigi Hadid, a renowned fashion model, hails from a lineage of industry insiders with her father being a property magnate, and her mother, Yolanda Hadid, an ex-model and reality TV personality.
Furthermore, her younger sibling, Bella Hadid, also boasts a successful career in the modelling realm.
The term "nepotism" describes the practice of showing favoritism to acquaintances or relatives, particularly by giving them jobs or opportunities that they may not have earned on their own merit. Some have referred to Gigi Hadid as a "nepotism baby" due to her family background and connections in the fashion industry.
In various interviews, Gigi Hadid has openly acknowledged the advantage that her lineage provides while simultaneously presenting herself in a self-mocking manner by calling herself a "nepotism baby."
Her aim here seems to be to acknowledge her privilege, while also affirming her dedication to her work as a model. It is worth noting that she has worked hard to establish herself in the industry, despite her family background.