Hugh Jackman, the actor known for his roles in "The Greatest Showman" and "Les Misérables," has taken to social media to showcase the hearty meals he's consuming in his quest to bulk up for his role as Wolverine in "Deadpool 3." Jackman, who has played the iconic character in nine "X-Men" movies, is back to reprise his role in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe installment.
The star, now 54, is adhering to a strict diet consisting of over 8,000 calories per day to pack on the muscle needed for the superhero role.
"Bulking" is the process of building muscle, and Jackman is certainly taking it seriously. His daily diet, shared on Twitter, includes two grass-fed sirloin steaks with noodles, two chicken burgers with sweet potatoes, black bass with rice, and Patagonian Chinook salmon with potatoes.
All in all, Jackman's daily caloric intake totals 8,300, a stark contrast to the 2,400-2,600 calories a day advised for the average moderately active man aged 31-50.
As a seasoned actor and athlete, Jackman understands the importance of nutrition and fitness in achieving his goals. He has been working with coach Beth Lewis in preparation for "Deadpool 3" and has been posting workout clips and photos on Twitter to document his progress.
Jackman's commitment to his craft is admirable, and it's clear that his hard work is paying off. Whether you're a fan of Wolverine or simply admire the dedication it takes to transform your body for a role, Jackman's journey is a captivating one.