The lustrous and stunning actress, Scarlett Johansson, recognized for portraying the character of Black Widow in the Marvel movies, had once consented to a bold and daring role in the movie, Under the Skin. The film was a sci-fi thriller that required Johansson to act as an alien who entices men and then serves them as prey to an evil entity from her planet.
However, to portray the character accurately, Johansson had to bare it all for the camera, which she did not mind, as it was relevant to the plot. But there was a catch.
She agreed to do the nde scene only on one interesting condition - that she would be "nked but not too sxy." Johansson believed that as her role was of an alien, the ndity was a practical aspect that was necessary for the role and not for her body type.
In an interview with W Magazine, the actress revealed her take on the character's portrayal, "She was a totally different species, so her ndity was kind of practical. I also had black hair. That was my idea — I didn’t think I should be a blonde sort of bombshell. Nked, but not too s*xy."
Johansson further explained her thought process in another interaction with Yahoo news, stating that while she is a private person and not keen on displaying herself all over the place, she realized the importance of letting go and allowing herself to be fully present as the character, which helped her understand the self-judgment and self-consciousness she imposes on herself. This realization proved to be liberating for the actress.
Despite Johansson's outstanding performance, Under the Skin did not receive as much love as expected from the audience, even though the actress had boldly and skillfully portrayed the role of the alien.