Jenna Ortega, the esteemed actress set to grace the screen as host of the next episode of "Saturday Night Live" on March 11th, finds herself once again confronted with the now-viral "Wednesday" dance.
In a promotional clip released for the episode, Ortega is initially reluctant to perform the routine once more, citing that it has been overdone and proposing that they explore fresher concepts. However, the comedy sketch group Please Don't Destroy, dressed to the nines in iconic gothic attire, had other plans in mind.
Despite their attempts to downplay their enthusiasm for the dance, Ortega finds herself flanked by Martin Herlihy, John Higgins, and Ben Marshall, donning black lace dresses, boots, and crown braid hair, as they coax her into performing the routine. While she ultimately relents, Ortega's lackluster performance, devoid of any smiles and visibly annoyed, suggests that her patience with the dance may have worn thin.
As previously disclosed during her appearance on "The Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon in January, Ortega developed the routine herself, studying footage of goth kids dancing in clubs during the 1980s over a two-day period. Despite this, the dance has gained widespread popularity, as evidenced by its appearance in this "Saturday Night Live" promo.