Award-winning actress Kate Winslet has set a new record in Hollywood, one that might make Tom Cruise a bit "fed up." While filming "Avatar 2: The Way of the Water," Winslet managed to hold her breath underwater for over seven minutes, beating Cruise's previous record by a minute. In an interview with USA Today, Winslet shared the details of her free diving training, which helped her achieve this amazing feat.
Along with the underwater record, "Avatar 2" has been creating a buzz due to its special effects. Director James Cameron has been vocal about his satisfaction with the work of Weta Digital, the visual effects company behind the film. Cameron stated that their work in creating emotive facial expressions was superior to even that of Marvel's Thanos.
But back to Winslet and her impressive underwater endurance. The actress admitted that she had never met Cruise, and though she felt bad for him having to hear about her achievement repeatedly, she loved every moment of it. Her co-star, Sigourney Weaver, who had held her breath for six and a half minutes herself, was delighted for Winslet's accomplishment.
Winslet's record-breaking performance in "Avatar 2: The Way of the Water" has cemented her status as a Hollywood icon, and she continues to inspire others with her dedication to her craft.