Selena Gomez, the popular singer and actress, recently took to her social media platform to share a heartfelt message with her fans. She expressed her concern over the hateful rhetoric and death threats that Hailey Bieber, the wife of Selena's ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, had been receiving. Selena conveyed her unwavering stance against hate and bullying and reiterated her longstanding advocacy for kindness.
This incident came after reports of an alleged feud between Selena and Hailey, which led to Selena taking a break from social media. However, she returned a week later to share a message about mental health and the importance of being kind to one another.
The rumored feud involved Selena's fans speculating about the meaning behind a social media post by Kylie Jenner, which appeared to be related to Hailey. Selena, in turn, commented on some TikToks made by fans that criticized Hailey.
In the midst of all this drama, a resurfaced video of Hailey pretending to gag at the mention of Taylor Swift's music also caused a stir, with Selena defending her friend and expressing her disappointment in Hailey's behavior.
Overall, Selena's message to her fans is clear: she stands for kindness and positivity, and hopes that her fans will join her in promoting these values.