Thomas Shelby, the lead character of Peaky Blinders, is a complex and fascinating character whose personality is shaped by his experiences as a soldier in World War I and his subsequent involvement in the criminal underworld of Birmingham. Here are some of the key traits and habits that define Thomas Shelby:
Thomas Shelby is a natural leader and has a magnetic personality that draws people to him. He is able to inspire loyalty and devotion from his followers, who will do whatever it takes to support him and his goals.
Thomas is fiercely ambitious and always looking for ways to expand his power and influence. He is not content to stay in one place for long and is always pushing himself to take on new challenges.
Thomas is a master strategist who is able to think several steps ahead of his opponents. He is always planning and scheming, looking for ways to outmaneuver his enemies and gain the upper hand.
Despite his charming demeanor, Thomas is also capable of extreme violence and is not afraid to use it when necessary. He is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family and advance his interests, even if it means taking out his rivals or enemies.
Despite his many successes, Thomas is also haunted by his past and struggles with guilt and PTSD from his experiences in the war. He is a complex and conflicted character who is constantly battling his inner demons.
In terms of habits, some of Thomas Shelby's most powerful habits include:
Drinking: Thomas is a heavy drinker and often turns to alcohol to cope with his emotional pain and stress.
Smoking: Thomas is rarely seen without a cigarette, which is a key part of his image and persona.
Meditation: In later seasons, Thomas is shown practicing meditation as a way to calm his mind and find inner peace.
Exercise: Thomas is also shown engaging in physical exercise, including boxing and weightlifting, to maintain his strength and focus.
Overall, Thomas Shelby is a fascinating and complex character whose personality and habits are shaped by his experiences and ambitions. He is a true anti-hero who is both loved and feared by those around him.